
感谢本期周报线索提供同学: 张萌,桉远。

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WWDC Session

Building Concurrent User Interfaces on iOS: For a great user experience, it’s essential to keep your application responsive while it renders complex UI elements and processes data. Learn how to use concurrency at the UIKit layer to perform drawing and other common operations without blocking user interaction.


RACollectionViewReorderableTripletLayout: UICollectionView 排序


Building a Core Foundation

防止点击 Cell 时 ViewController 被重复 Push: 寻找疑难问题的解决办法,再做合理分析以便确定可使用

React-Inspired Views: User interfaces can be hard to get right in any application. Combining display and interaction in a little rectangle on the user’s screen seems simple, but even for small applications, it’s easy to end up with a tangled mess of view code. In complex products with many contributing engineers, like Facebook’s News Feed, these views can be especially hard to develop and maintain over time. Facebook News Feed视图策略


Xcode 插件介绍:文章推荐的几款插件都有助于提升Xcode开发效率,推荐尝试。