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PMKVObserver:A type-safe Swift/ObjC KVO wrapper.


iOS 开发之照片框架详解 包括AssetsLibrary及新库photoKit(官方demo)

NSFormatter: 各种听过没听过,用过没用过的formatter

Swift target acton: Cocoa’s target/action system for responding to controls is a great system for Objective-C, but is a bit unnatural to use in Swift. Today, I’m going to explore building a wrapper that allows using a Swift function as the action.

objc.io: Compiler: In this article we’ll have a look at what a compiler does, and how we can use that to our advantage.

objc.io: mach-o excutables: When we build an application in Xcode, part of what happens is that the sources files (.m and .h) get turned into an executable. This executable contains the byte code than will run on the CPU, the ARM processor on the iOS device, or the Intel processor on your Mac. We’ll walk through some of what the compiler does and what’s inside such an executable. There’s more to it than first meets the eye.


CleanMyMac 3: 智能清理Mac磁盘空间。


编程的智慧: 编程是一种创造性的工作,是一门艺术。精通任何一门艺术,都需要很多的练习和领悟,所以这里提出的“智慧”,并不是号称一天瘦十斤的减肥药,它并不能代替你自己的勤奋。然而由于软件行业喜欢标新立异,喜欢把简单的事情搞复杂,我希望这些文字能给迷惑中的人们指出一些正确的方向,让他们少走一些弯路,基本做到一分耕耘一分收获。