
本期周报内容来自: 张萌,王平, 一晖, 桉远。

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secrets of mobile network performance



iOS cookies: 按类别整理的开源代码合集。

SwiftNotificationCenter: A Protocol-Oriented NotificationCenter which is type safe, thread safe and with memory safety

15DaysofAnimationsinSwift: 动画相关,不是15天从入门到放弃。

BeautifyFaceDemo:It’s a simple demo of realtime face beautification based on GPUImage

iOS Router相关

JLRoutes: URL routing library for iOS with a simple block-based API.
routable-ios: Routable, an in-app native URL router, for iOS
HHRouter: Yet another URL Router for iOS.
MGJRouter: 一个高效/灵活的 iOS URL Router


Artsy 的测试之旅: Artsy 拥有 4 个 iOS 应用,它们都已经全部开源,并且都采用了不同的方法来进行了测试。为什么这样做呢?因为不同的测试技术在各种的情况下的优劣各有不同。在 try! Swift 的本次演讲中,Ash Furrow 讨论了 Artsy iOS 团队做出这种决策背后的动机,谈论了他们所遇见到的问题,以及他们是如何克服这些困难的,以便能够帮助您更好的理解:为什么对于构建精美应用来说,进行测试以及何时进行测试是非常重要的。

Building Fabric.app in Swift: When the Fabric team at Twitter wrote their new iOS app, they turned to Swift. Why? Javi Soto walks through their decision, and tells why they picked a language that emphasizes stability and maintainability & supports dependency injection, code generation, MVVM, and error reporting.


search code: Search over projects from Github, Bitbucket, Google Code, Codeplex, Sourceforge, Fedora Project, GitLab and more.