感谢本期周报线索提供同学: 一晖,张萌,桉远。
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Rainbow: Rainbow adds text color, background color and style for console and command line output in Swift. It is born for cross platform software logging in terminals, working in both Apple’s platforms and Linux. Meanwhile, it is also compatible with XcodeColors, which lets you colorize the Xcode debugger output as well when developing an app.
Delivering high scroll performance
Bitcode 解密: 文章主要介绍了什么是bitcode,以及使用bitcode带来的好处与坏处。
Using multiple UIWindows in iOS applications
iOS应用文件目录结构简介: 对iOS文件系统文档的相关整理,对iOS app中个路径存放文件类别做了总结。
WWDC 与Instrument相关Session: 历届WWDC Session中关于Instrument的列表。