本期周报内容来自: 桉远。
iOS puzzles: 有趣的iOS谜题。
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Values and errors, part1: ‘Result’ in Swift
Advanced ObjC <-> Swift Interoperability : This looks super painful to set up, but if you are stuck with Objective-C code, it’s definitely worth it to take the time to go through and make it Swift-compatible.
ChatKit-OC: An IM App UI Framework, support sending text, pictures, audio, video, location messaging, managing address book, more interesting features.
AImage: 通过UIImage异步预解压,大幅度降低主线程CPU利用率。A animated GIF&APNG engine for iOS in Swift. Optimized for Multi-Image case.
hamburger-button: A hamburger button transition http://robb.is/working-on/a-hamburger-button-transition/
SwiftFormat: A command-line tool for formatting Swift code