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infer:A static analyzer for Java, C and Objective-C http://fbinfer.com/
facebook xcbuild: xcbuild is an Xcode-compatible build tool with the goal of providing faster builds, better documentation of the build process and running on multiple platforms (in particular OS X and Linux)
TSWeChat: A high copy WeChat, Written by Swift.
EarlGrey: EarlGrey is a native iOS UI automation test framework that enables you to write clear, concise tests. 一篇EarlGrey的介绍文章
Advance: A powerful animation framework for iOS.
Swift GYB 简易教程: Swift源码中很多GYB文件,本文简单介绍了如何使用GYB生成代码模板及如何使用GYB生成源码文件。我觉得对于查看Swift源码有帮助。
Apple Memory Usage Performance Guidelines: 是上面内存管理及优化视频中提到的苹果文档。