有关JavaScriptCore 相关的WWDC Session:
Integrating JavaScript into Native Apps: Introducing a new Objective-C API to JavaScriptCore. iOS developers can now integrate scripting into their apps without having to bundle custom language interpreters. This API builds on top of the existing C API to JavaScriptCore available on Mac, and makes programming with JavaScript much easier and less error-prone.
Web Inspector and Modern JavaScript: Web Inspector, the powerful debugging tool in WebKit, is now available to JavaScriptCore-based apps. Find out how to leverage Web Inspector in your WebKit- and JavaScriptCore-based apps on iOS and OS X. Gain an overview of what’s new in the JavaScript language and how to use modern JavaScript in your apps.
Swift 2.0: 深入浅出 Map 和 FlatMap 概念:又来一篇Swift和Functional Programming的文章 by zhangmeng
Elastic view animation using UIBezierPath by zhangmeng
JSPatch实现原理详解: JSPatch作者对JSPatch实现原理的详解。
JSPatch Convertor实现原理详解: JSPatch Convertor 可以自动把 Objective-C 代码转为 JSPatch 脚本。
JSPatch: JSPatch bridge Objective-C and Javascript using the Objective-C runtime. You can call any Objective-C class and method in JavaScript by just including a small engine. JSPatch is generally use for hotfix iOS App.
JSPatchConvertor: JSPatch Convertor is a tool that converts Objective-C code to JSPatch script automatically.